Work Inspired
At one point in Bill’s career he was working on a script and was struggling. At that same time Bill had the good fortune to start to work with Gordon Pinsent, a legend in the Canadian Arts community. Gordon’s very first question was ”Why are you telling this particular story?” Bill’s immediate response was, “I don’t know anymore. I’m lost in the weeds here.” Gordon then explained that that often happens and then we start to work hard, but not productively. He asked Bill to remember what had inspired him to tell the story in the first place? “That’s the key, Bill,” Gordon said. “Remember what inspired you to create that story and share it. Call up what inspired you and breathe that air again. Then the work will flow.” Bill did just that and the work indeed flowed.
Gordon was one of the people who inspired Bill to create this Work Inspired keynote. To Work Inspired is to work with joy and enthusiasm. It feels timeless and your energy and vision limitless. Children at play show all the signs of inspired living. Their focus and sense of timelessness, their unlimited imaginations and the joy of play are all present when they are playing inspired. The same realities need to be operating when we seek to Work Inspired.
In this keynote, Bill shares research into how the brain works to create our experience of the world around and inside us. He shows ways we can use this knowledge to create an environment filled with joy, creativity, enthusiasm, and wild inspiration. Bill focuses on empathy and “contagious inspiration”. Bill talks about how working inspired is always a choice, no matter the circumstances. That choice involves creating an “Inspiration Loop” by surrounding ourselves with inspired people and inspiring them as they inspire us. Working with inspiration is not about what happens to us, as much as it is about what how we see and then react to what is happening to us and transforming our world from within.
Reading things that inspire, talking to people that light a fire in you, remembering what it was like when you were enthusiastic and eager to do your work, are just some of the ways to learn how to Work Inspired every day. Bill calls you to develop rituals that remind you what you are doing at its deepest levels, remembering and deeply knowing the real purpose and value you bring to every encounter at work, at home and in your community. To Work Inspired needn’t be an occasional stroke of good luck. We don’t need to wait for the muses to visit us. We can be agents of our own inspiration and inspire those around us.
Bill’s Work Inspired keynote will reignite a passion and desire to find and develop inspiration in your own life and in the lives of all with whom you come in contact.
Watch Bill speak on staying “Work Inspired”
The length of this workshop is fully customizable in order to meet client needs. Bill works directly with organizers and clients before each event in order to create material relevant to and of vital interest for each individual audience. Bill also offers “Work Inspired” as a keynote address.
“Best seminar ever!” and “I needed to hear that!” were just a few of the repeated comments echoed in response to Bill Carr’s seminar addressing some 100 Teamsters Union Stewards at our annual seminar. Bill speaks with a poignant, direct and personal style and delivers with an authority gleaned from varied personal life experiences, and shares these intimate nuggets of life with the wit and charm of a true Canadian Maritimer. As a facilitator, Bill draws the best from his audience, his compassionate prodding empowering even the most reticent participants to share personal insight and opinions. I would unreservedly and wholeheartedly recommend Bill to any organization or group function – David Froelich, Secretary Treasurer , Teamsters Local Union 987 of Alberta
Bill was the star of the Council’s events. His talk received an overwhelming positive response from our Stewards. He had has us roaring with laughter and in tears as he delivered information that was on point for the important work that our Union Stewards do. He received 4/4 on our evaluations by Council participants with comments such as Awesome Speaker!, Hilarious! and made me remember why I became a Steward! Thanks for all your efforts. – Catherine Pinks, Professional Institute of the Public Service
Everyone enjoyed Bill’s presentation immensely. His personal stories were real, and ones that all could connect to. His maritime perspective was endearing and his sense of humour was wonderful and enjoyed by all. He was easily able to tie his world and life experiences to our world of post secondary education and to give all a sense of accomplishment for our work. It was a perfect end to our two days together. I would highly recommend Bill as a keynote in the future. He was extremely well received, and is certainly one of the reasons that our conference was such a success – Norma MacIntosh, Dean, Faculty of Continuing Education & Extension
I just wanted to thank you for recommending Bill for our team-building event. His presentation was interesting, thought provoking and hilarious. I was amazed by the emotion he evoked from the entire room. I think everyone took something important home with them that day. He was the best speaker we’ve had to date and I hope to work with him again in the near future. – Maggie Morrison, The Regional Municipality of York